Frogers just beautiful, and the facts it done on illustrator and photoshop shocked me. I really thought it was a photograph at first. The combination of colours and tones give it a really soft, and...beautiful aesthetic quality.
On the above piece, I really like the angles that he has would have probably looked good if all the type was from the same angle etc. but by playing with that it makes it look more 3 dimensional.

With the above piece, I really like seeing how it translates from a digital a large scale print (with slightly different colours) looks fun. Just by simply replacing the 'e' in 'eyes' with drawings of eyes...and the 'o' in love with a love makes the piece more fun.

Although I do like this last piece, I think the choice of colour on the type is a bit weird in comparison with the colours on the photograph. However, just concentrating on the type I like the pure hand-crafted feel about it - its clearly not just a font found on the computer because all the letters work together so well.

The main theme that I love that run's through most of Frogers work is....New York. I love New York and just seeing it in his work makes me smile.

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