Interactive billboards...

Nivea Cellulite cream;
Billboard covered in bubble rap so people can literally get rid of the bumps.
- Fun and interactive.
- Memorable.
- Plays on something a lot of people like doing - popping bubblewrap.

Street ad
- Fun - activity to 'do while you wait'.
- Hands on.
- Doesn't really communicate MacDonalds extremely well - why use a womans face close up??
Picadilly Circus;
- Humorous.
- Gets people involved and talking about it.
- Memorable.
- Will appeal to tourists with their camera's.

Sun cream ad;
- Context - passes time on while waitin for the bus.
- Interesting concept.
- Visually engaging (Maybe more to men than women!)
Sharpie - Graffiti billboard;

(Needs finishing)

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